Meet Jonathan - Train driver at VR
Hello Jonathan!
Who are you?
My name is Jonathan and I'm a fan of both outdoor activities and technology. I have been a train driver for several yeras now and before I started here I worked as a croupier at a casino in town. I enjoy to stay at home with my partner and create things in our garden but I also enjoy to put on my backpack for a hike in the forest.

What´s the most fun about your job?
The most fun and what I also enjoy best is the mixture of being alone and in charge as a driver in combination with spending time with my colleagues. You also get many chances to talk to and help travelers out with their journeys, which is always fun.
What is your best job memory?
It may sound a little strange but the strongest memory is probably from any traffic disruption that occurred. It could be a forest fire or a fault in an overhead contact line that always makes my job a little extra challenging. It usually flows really well, but a more challenging situation is more memorable.
What do you usually listen to when you drive?
I usually listen to podcasts and e-books. My personal record is more than 50 books in one year!
Tell us something about life on rail that you think most of us don´t know?
Something everyone don't know is probably that all train drivers wave at each other when they meet. It is an old and pleasant tradition that gives a good feeling when you meet out on the tracks.
Why should you apply for a job as a train driver at VR?
If you think that the railway seems to be an exciting place to work, I absolutely think that VR is the best choice as we are a bunch of very good colleagues. We all get to be involved when we plan our work schedules and in addition to our nice and modern trains, we have extremely nice passengers!