Non-discriminatory rules for train travel
Paragraph 10 of the recitals to the adoption of REGULATION (EC) No 1371/2007 of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 October 2007 on the rights and obligations of train passengers (Train Passengers Regulation) states that persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, regardless of the reason for this, are disabled or other factors, should have the opportunity to travel by train comparable to that of other citizens ”. It also states that special attention should be paid, among other things, to informing people with disabilities or impaired mobility about their ability to use the rail links, the conditions for being able to get in and out of the carriages and about the means available on board the trains.
A person with a disability or a person with a disability refers to the passenger passenger regulation: a person whose mobility is impaired when using transport due to some form of physical disability (sensory or motor, permanent or temporary), mental disability or mental disorder or age and whose situation requires appropriate attention and adaptation to his or her particular needs for the services available to all passengers.
According to Article 19 The right of transport, railway undertakings and station managers, with the active participation of organizations representing persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, shall have or establish non-discriminatory rules for the promotion of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility.
In view of the above, VR Snabbtåg Sverige AB (“VR”) has established the following non-discriminatory rules:
Persons with disabilities or reduced mobility should be given the same opportunities to travel by train as other citizens, provided that the person on their own, with their own assistant or with the escort service offered at certain stations, can make the entire trip. The right to travel requires that current trains, stations and platforms are available to the traveler and his / her resources. The right to travel also requires that the traveler can communicate with train staff and accompanying staff via speech or writing.
People with disabilities or reduced mobility should be offered bookings and tickets at no extra cost.
People with disabilities or reduced mobility should be provided with information on opportunities for assistance at the railway stations in the form of assistance. Such information and the conditions for ordering escorts are provided on the VR website It should be noted that escorting does not include assistance with luggage in addition to normal luggage.
People with disabilities or impaired mobility should be offered assistance to get in and out of the carts. This refers to the use of a so-called wheelchair lift which can also be used as a ramp.
Only in exceptional cases should VR require that a person with a disability or impaired mobility be accompanied by another person during the journey. Persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and any accompanying assistant must have a valid ticket under the same conditions as for other travelers
Persons with disabilities or reduced mobility should have the right, to the extent possible, to include aids at no extra cost. This refers to a wheelchair (including an electric wheelchair), a walker and similar aids. Permobil may be included, subject to availability. Booking of seats must be done before the trip in connection with booking the ticket. If a wheelchair, walker or similar device is to be used as auxiliary during the journey, the traveler must, before booking the ticket, make sure that the wheelchair can be carried and used in the train due to length, width and weight. The same applies to the inclusion of permobil. (The restrictions that apply on board are width: 80 cm, length: 120 cm, weight: 350 kg. Ground clearance must be at least 5 cm.)
Persons with disabilities should be entitled to bring a guide dog or service dog for personal assistance at no extra cost during the trip. Booking of place does not have to take place. Guide dog and service dog may be placed on the floor next to the traveler.
VR staff and its subcontractors shall make every reasonable effort to enable people with disabilities or reduced mobility to be able to travel by train. In doing so, they will do their utmost to provide the very best service and care, with the exception of assistance with feeding, medication and assistance in toilet visits.
Persons with disabilities must be able to communicate with train staff and accompanying staff via speech or writing. If this is not possible, the traveler must have the accompanying assistant who can communicate with the staff.
In connection with train delays or other traffic disturbances, Persons with disabilities or reduced mobility shall have the same right to assistance under the Travel Conditions as other travelers (information and alternative transport as well as food, drink and accommodation). In doing so, VR should pay special attention to the needs of people with disabilities or impaired mobility and any accompanying persons.
To provide travelers with sensory disabilities the best possible information on delays, VR should use visual and audible systems whenever possible.
1. Non-discriminatory rules for train travel, valid from 2017-04-21.
2. Non-discriminatory rules for train travel, valid from 2020-03-05.
3. Non-discriminatory rules for train travel, valid from 2022-03-18.
4. Non-discriminatory rules for train travel, valid from 2024-08-26.